Few years ago our server was installed using AlteryxDesignerInstallx64_2021.3.3.63061
We are planning an upgrade in steps, first to 2022.1 and then to 2023.1.
When I check the software available in download portal, I found following.
A : AlteryxServerInstallx64_2022.1.1.42707.exe
B : AlteryxServerPatchInstall_2022.
release notes says
P : AlteryxServerInstallx64_2023.1.1.306.exe
R : AlteryxServerPatchInstall_2023.
release notes says
I am not sure whether the order of installation has to happen as shown below and any other concerns.
First install A , then B. Test the system. if all good then
Install P and then R. Test the system.