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Package deploys as type macro when package contains YXMD and YXMC file with Alteryx 2023.2


Hi All,


I have facing below issue.


Recently we upgraded to Alteryx version 2023.2.

and after that whenever, we deploy package (includes workflow and macro) using API v3/workflows, it deploys as a type macro instead of workflow.
This was not the case with Alteryx version 2021.4, it always used to deploy as workflow type.


Did anyone face this issue with latest version of Alteryx 2023.2? How can I resolve this issue?


Thanks in advance!


When a package contains YXMD files and deploys as a type macro, it suggests a potential issue with the deployment process. high speed internet and cable tv packages YXMD files are typically associated with Alteryx workflows, and deploying them as type macros could lead to unintended behavior or errors. It's essential to review the deployment configuration and ensure that YXMD files are correctly identified and deployed as workflows rather than macros to maintain functionality and compatibility.


Thank you for your response.


But the deployment works fine when done manually (using My Company server via Designer) and package is deployed as workflow type.

Issue happens only when deployment done through API call using Azure DevOps pipeline.