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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Open multiple excel files as input in Alteryx Server

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I am trying to load multiple excel files as inputs in Alteryx Server, knowing the fact that directory tool+dynamic inputs might not work. Is there any other way to it like similar to using wildcards in desktop application?


If there is a solution, can someone please guide on this how to build it?




9 - Comet

@db89  if all of the excel files are named similarly (just a different ending) and are in the same location, you can use a simple input data tool with a * wildcard. When you setup the connection, just replace the end of the string. Example:

8 - Asteroid

@cpet13 thanks for your response. so do you mean that in server it would allow me to put the wild card to load all files from that folder?

9 - Comet

@db89 if the server has access to that folder, it should do that, if you put the wildcard in the workflow's input data connection.

8 - Asteroid

@cpet13 yes server has access to the folder, I can use the wildcard but strangely it does not allow me to edit the input filed in the server to use the wildcard.