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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Nonce not found error when modifying schedules

8 - Asteroid

Hi all 

I hope someone might be able to help with this, we have recently upgraded our server version to 2020.2 and mostly have been clear sailing however occasionally this error pops up when trying to modify a schedule.

I cannot find any good reason for it and it is not consistent at all so i'm struggling to troubleshoot it.

Is it possibly incompatible with certain browsers?

Any help/suggestions much appreciated.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @NatSnook 


This was addressed in another discussion topic. The solution from that post is below:


This nonce error when attempting to utilize or save credentials in Gallery usually occurs due to a permissions issue between the service and the encryption key used to encrypt the user credentials in the database. We have seen the issue occur in 10.6 when the AlteryxService on the server is set to run as a user account other then the Local System account. You can also validate this issue by checking the logs for an encryption related error message. To correct the issue the service account will need to be given full control over the needed encryption key on the server. The particular key in question can usually be found in:




To identify which key needs to have its permissions updated you will need to look inside the key files for 'AlteryxEncryptedStorage'. This should appear near the top of the file in the first line or two. Once you have identified the correct key update the permissions so that the service account has full control over the file and restart the service. This should correct the errors you are encountering.


Alternatively, you can run the service with the Local System account which is the default and recommended configuration. The Local System account will already have all needed permissions for this encryption key, and as such you won't encounter this issue. If you do decide to use this configuration you will likely need to set the Run As user in system settings to ensure workflows run from Scheduler or from Gallery without credentials have access to an needed network resources.

Community Moderator
5 - Atom

We had this issue recently when trying to run any workflow in our UAT environment.


It was resolved by regenerating the Runtimesetting.xml file.


1. Stopped Alteryx service
2. Renamed current Runtime setting file to Runtimesetting.old.xml or by taking backup
3. Re started the Alteryx system settings to regenerate the Runtimesettings.xml