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Alteryx Server Discussions

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List all failed schedules

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Hi ,


Wondering if there is any way to find out a list of all schedules failed from the gallery for the past x number of days ? I do have admin rights but not been able to find a way to get around this.


Any help would be appreciated 🙂



Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | SparkED Contributor and Mentor
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @ramesh_neel 


You will see it if you search on MongoDB, AlteryxService, Queued.


Try to use Mongodb Input to read this


Server, user name and password you can find on the System settings.


Let me know if you need some other info.



Carlos A Teixeira
11 - Bolide

Hi Carlos, 


Could you please let me know how to map the scheduled workflows with users table.?

8 - Asteroid

I recommend the Server Usage Report if you don't already have it:

It connects to the Mongo DB and provides an update of scheduled workflows and workflows run on the Gallery. We have it scheduled to run regularly and post up to our SQL server and then visualise via Tableau.

This is useful because I generally only want to know where the latest run has failed, not every instance of every workflow that has failed in the last X hours.

8 - Asteroid

hi @CatheyH  we use the AlteryxServerUsage to track errors on workflow on hourly basis, and we have also slightly change the output in order to send an email/export csv. 
One thing I noticed that does not track is when you have specific schedule error like the below. 
Do you know if this is possible to gather?



8 - Asteroid

I'm afraid I don't Luca. One of the fields output is the detailled log - you could probably parse it to return just the error messages (because there could be multiple) and/or  filter for the error you are looking for?

We ended up stripping it down and building a simple report that just gives us each schedule name, the date it last ran successfully and the latest run / outcome.