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Kerberos Authentication for Gallery Service

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to publish a workflow to the Gallery however, the output is an insert into a table within Hadoop.


When running the workflow on my local machine it works fine but as I have a Kerberos ticket, but when publishing it to the Gallery it fails.


I'm working on the assumption that this is an authentication issue for the Gallery service as when I remote into the machine and run the workflow from the designer installation it works fine.



Has anyone had this issue and managed to find a way to resolve it?

5 - Atom

Hi Atom,

  Did you find a resolution to this? I am also struggling with this issue.




6 - Meteoroid

Hi Mayank,

  Unfortunately not, I am in the process of setting up a Kerberos ticket which will be assigned to the Gallery device; Hopefully this will allow me to use the Hadoop connector.


if not I can at least tick that off the possible bottlenecks.


I will post a detailed walkthrough of the solution once I have it working.



7 - Meteor
Any luck with a solution. I’m struggling to set a connection on the gallery that will work.
7 - Meteor
Any luck with a solution. I’m struggling to set up a connection on the gallery that will work.
6 - Meteoroid

The solution was to create a network account that would remain signed in to the Gallery device and have a Kerberos persist the ticket on that machine.


This is still a workaround but so far has been the only way we can schedule workflows that output to Hadoop.

7 - Meteor

Did you have to create a script to do this? Or since you are only using one account there no additional setup needed? This would mean that on the Hive DB it will show that the service account ran the workflow and not other users correct?

7 - Meteor

Hi Garf,


did you check SPN for computer account when running alteryx with local service account ?

When running Alteryx with custom URL, you need to add those. Alteryx does not add them by default. 


You have do add them as well when running with a domain serviceaccount. 


Kind regards,
