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Internal error in CryptDecrypt: The parameter is incorrect. (87)

11 - Bolide

Hi All,


Today we performed an Alteryx Server reinstallation on our production machine. We took a backup of the Alteryx MongoDB and completed a fresh installation. After we restored the MongoDB data, we observed the below issues.


We have generated different login details for the admin page and granted access to the appropriate users to utilize those credentials when publishing their workflow on the gallery.


Case 1: After MongoDB Restoration, we were able to build a workflow and publish it in the gallery with the proper credentials - Working fine without any problems.


Case 2: Upon manual execution of the existing schedules and manual workflows from the gallery, we noticed that a few of them were working correctly with the credentials, yet a few of them did not.


Case 3: Once the restoration is done, the scheduled workflow will not begin (Affected schedule count 240+). When the scheduled time arrives, the process is initiated and then the schedule becomes corrupted. Also, the schedule status changed from active to complete.

Workaround solution:


We discovered a workaround to address the issue. When we opened and saved the existing schedule (without making any changes) after accessing the relevant person's studio, it began functioning properly.


Please note that we followed all the prerequisites as mentioned by Alteryx documentation/vendor-suggested steps.


Alteryx Schedule Collection error:


Alteryx Gallery Error (When trying to run) - Two days back we published this test workflow and tested with same credentials



Please find below details for your reference,

Alteryx version: 2021.3.3.63061
Authentication Type: Integrated windows authentication
Impacted schedules: 250+



Ariharan R

14 - Magnetar

Please contact Alteryx support.