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Integrating Alteryx Gallery API with Power Platform Custom Connector

6 - Meteoroid

Hey all,


I'm looking to see if there are any workarounds I could use to implement an Alteryx Gallery custom connector on Power Platform -- effectively just a wrapper around the Gallery API to make it more user-friendly/composable.


Working with the endpoints and formulating the calls is fairly straightforward, but authentication is a bit of an issue -- Gallery supports Oauth1.0a, and these custom connectors require Oauth2 or other more standard forms of authentication. I believe Oauth2 support is somewhere in Alteryx Gallery's roadmap according to John Pelletier's comment in this thread, but until then I'm at a bit of a loss.


Just wanted to ask and see if there are any authentication options or workarounds I may be missing that could help make this viable without some more complex intermediary (e.g. Azure function).


Thank you






Here are a couple of helpful documents on using Oauth 1.0 directly from Alteryx workflows: 


Additionally, you can find examples in C# as well as JavaScript in the Gallery API documentation here: 


If you click on the "Creating your own API client", you will see the examples. I'm not an expert on Power Platform, but if you can leverage JavaScript within it you may be able to take this approach. 

