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In-DB flow on gallery

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Cc @Rahul_Thakur 


Hi all,

We are seeing an error when we attempt to publish a canvas to the gallery which uses In-DB connectors.    The In-DB connection uses an OLE DB connection to an SQL server, and the SQL server drivers are installed on the gallery server.


Feedback we had received is that even though we're connecting via OLE DB, we also need to create a specific DSN on the gallery server in order for this workflow to connect to the SQL server.   This doesn't sound right given that we're using a direct OLE DB driver (not OLE DB via ODBC).


Do any of you know if such a constraint - that a specific DSN needs to be created on the Gallery server for any canvas that uses In-DB tools (eve if connecting via OleDB?).


Thank you all




12 - Quasar

Hi Sean, 


Did you get an answer to this? I am having a similar issue. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Based on investigation - there doesn't seem to be an easy solution on this - transferring into an idea.


10 - Fireball

Assuming you're using a file based connection?