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How to schdule a job to only run on work hours

9 - Comet

Is there a way to schedule a workflow to run within a time window?  I am trying to say something like, "Run every 10 minutes between hours of 8:00 AM EST to 6:00 PM EST"  What I am doing now is making a schedule for every ten minute block in those time frames.  Seems like overkill

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @JohnMaty ,


Unfortunately, not possible. 

A workaround is to have a workflow running at 7h55am and 6h05pm enabling and disabling the schedules using the Gallery APIs.


Another not so great workaround is to have a job running every 10 minutes for the whole day and build something inside the workflow based on the DateTime to stop the workflow after 6pm.


Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino