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How to change input/output drive in Alteryx Gallery?

6 - Meteoroid



I want to create a simple excel file from an input text in Alteryx Gallery. But ecerytime I'm saving the workflow in Gallery it is getting saved in "_externals\1\" path. I'm not able to find this path in Alteryx gallery in browser. Now If I want to change this default path to another drive let say "D:\" what are the configuration I've to change? And most importantly from where I can get the list of output files in Gallery browser.


Please help


Thanks in advance.

11 - Bolide

I'm not 100% clear on the problem, but it sounds like...

When you save your workflow to the gallery,

Before clicking save, drop down workflow options, then click on manage assets, then uncheck your input file so it will not be part of the package that is saved to the gallery.


If you intend to run on the server and the workflow referencing the D drive, it may not be the same D drive that you have on your local machine. It is much better to use unc share names like \\server\folder\etc  that will work the same on both machines.