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Getting Alteryx service account locking frequently 1909 Error

5 - Atom

We moved from on-prem server to azure server and we moved the Alteryx application 2023.1 to new server. Since then we are getting reference account getting locked 1909 error. Alteryx Support Team is saying its AD issues. But when checked with AD team they are saying its server configuration. Anyone has faced this ?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @pkaul1234 ,


This may be caused by incorrect password entry multiple times.

If the service account password was recently changed, workflows, shared folders, data connections, or similar items may still have the old password.


If your server allows users to add credentials before publishing, check the workflows throwing any errors and the Alteryx Service logs.


Another idea is to ask your AD team where the error is coming from exactly. Maybe they can review the logs and tell you when the account was blocked and the platform where it happened.



Fernando Vizcaino