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Gallery API Workflow Download 401

10 - Fireball

I am using the Gallery API to download and backup workflows from our Gallery. The workflow is set up to run every week and download any workflows that have been updated that week. I use:

to find my workflow IDs and:"+[id]+"/package/

to download the workflows I want.


The first time I run this workflow I want to run it for all workflows in the gallery which is 5644 workflows. Half of them download and half of them return HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized. I’m trying to figure out a pattern but so far I have not been able to narrow it down to a specific user or subscription.


Does anyone know what could be causing my 401 error?

10 - Fireball

I'm using Server and Designer 2021.3.

10 - Fireball

It looks like there might be some sort of record limit. When I run 500 records they all have 200 status but when I send 501 I get at least one 401 error.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @MattBenj 


By far the easiest way to use the server API is to use the macro that @jarrod / @JarrodT  built to make this easier

Server API tool - Alteryx Community


He may also be able to offer you suggestions on how to use the limit / offset params to deal with record limits.


11 - Bolide

@MattBenj Would you mind sharing the workflow you created? I need to to do the same thing with our old 2021.4 server.