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Folder Creation

7 - Meteor



Is it possible to create folders with Space in the folder name using Alteryx? I am able to create folders using Run Command tool but the folder names can't have spaces between them.

5 - Atom

To clarify, I'm wanting to run this as an analytic app, so I'm wondering if this .bat method with the c:/temp would even work to create folders in a network folder. 


I can currently output fine in the network folder.

8 - Asteroid

@MichalM  Thanks for the Macro. It is working fine for me as well. But there is small glitch.


I will be running this workflow multiple time in a day and every time I want workflow to save latest version of files, i-e, new folder should replace the older folder. Currently its throwing an error. 


Error: create folders (23): Record #1: Tool #1: The external program "cmd.exe" returned an error code: 1

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @mohit9garg,


It looks like you get this error because those folders already exist. Maybe you need to delete them first.


The usual route would be using the rmdir command but it wouldn't work for you as you have nested directories in this folder. At the same time command like would ask you if you are sure that you want to delete this before running.


To overcome this you need to use /Q - it will click yes automatically and /S will inform that you want to remove all subfolders as well. 


"rmdir /Q /S " + [Folder]


Maybe your folder should output a list of folders that you created and as a first step of the workflow you should remove all the old data first.