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Excel Corrupt Files

7 - Meteor

We recently updated our server to 2020.4 and noticed that we are not getting issues with writing to an excel path from server. 


It seems that files keep getting corrupted; I have no clue why this is happening and if there's a work around. But these are brand new files getting written to new workbooks. 


We were working on 2019.4 before and had no issues until we did this migration. Designer works fine and server desktop works fine as well. The issue is really when the task is being completed on the gallery. 

8 - Asteroid

From your post -  I believe you are generating an excel file as output through output tool and written in an UNC path (network shared drive) 


What happens when you send that excel file through email tool ? 


(FYI - we saw the error message you have attached in 2019.3 when excel file was sent through email tool with body and subject hard coded values. Workaround for that issue was to provide body and subject in email tool through a field rather than hard coding it in email tool) 

7 - Meteor

So the output path is actually generated from an action attached to the output tool; using a user defined parameter to write the file out. I will try the other method and see if that helps.