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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Error when upgrading to from 2021.3 to 2022.3 Alteryx server

5 - Atom

We tried upgrading Alteryx Server but we got an error message when upgrading the MongoDB to 4.2. Now we're trying to revert it back to the 2021.3 and we're getting the error below (very likely because it's pointing to the newest 4.2 instead of 4.0 Mongo). Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thanks. 


Mongo error: "Index with name: fd5e7f7ad987788251ca676578977ec1 already exists with a different name: generic server error" code: <mongodb:85>

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @caiojt ,


You have to restore a backup of your MongoDB to be able to use it in 21.3. Also check the data folder in the image below to see if it is not pointing to the right folder after the restoration.



Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino