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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Cant upload new version of workflow because user and workflow are not in same subscription

8 - Asteroid

Hello Maveryx members,

I am using Alteryx Server 2023.2 version and using POST API v3 endpoint to upload new version of a workflow. The API is called via an external deployment code running on Azure DevOps to deploy a new version of Alteryx workflow. But I am getting the following response:

  "message": "The request is invalid.",
  "modelState": {
    "ownerId": [
      "Thw owner and workflow must be part of the same subscription."

Is there any way the new version of workflow can be uploaded without the owner and workflow being in the same subscription. I do have the workflow in Collection with the same name as the Subscription. 

Note: There is no issue with the POST API request works because when I try with user and workflow placed in same Subscription, it works perfectly. 

Please help.

Thank you.


Amit Upadhyay