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Blank page when logging on the Gallery from Designer

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey everyone,


We are experiencing a weird blank screen when users try accessing the gallery from Designer.

  1. Alteryx Server 22.1
  3. Clean MongoDB
  4. Users can access the gallery from the browser
  5. This error also happens using the designer inside the server machine



Any thoughts?



Fernando Vizcaino


We're currently undergoing a similar situation and found out it has to do with the CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework).

Support said this is flagged as a defect and should be fixed in next version.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @jforte ,


Thank you for your answer.


Are there any workarounds suggested by Alteryx support?

Could you please provide the support case number so I can point it out in our open case?



Fernando Vizcaino


Workaround is wait for next version coming out, or downgrade Designer to 2021.1 (If I'm not mistaken), the one before the CEF change.

I'll send you the case in PM.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @jforte . This is very helpful!


We are still having this issue with server 2022.3.1.450 and designer 2022.3.1.450 - is there any other workaround or information you could provide for troubleshooting?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@fmvizcaino hey there!


Happy to share the solution I've used, as this just happened to me.

My registry key was completely missing for GalleryConnections (it should populate with the information for the localhost gallery and didn't). Please let me know if this works for you.

Close all instances of Alteryx Designer. Open the Registry Editor app




In the Registry Editor app, navigate to the following location using the folders on the left side: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials 



 If there are scripts in this location other than (Default) delete them before continuing, by right-clicking and choosing Delete


Now you create the reg file that should already be in there. In the Gallery Credentials above, click on the (Default) item, and from the File menu, choose Export


Save the file as Gallery.reg (save it anywhere, Documents is fine)


Now open the Gallery.reg file in Notepad. Copy the script below and paste it directly underneath the line that reads [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials]



"Gallery0_Name"="Default Gallery"






Save the .reg file


Double click on the .reg file.  A pop up box will open with a warning.  Click Yes.  A second pop up box will open confirming the files have been added.  Click OK.


Look in the Registry Editor to ensure that the information has been imported correctly


Close the Registry Editor (no save is required)


Open Alteryx Designer.  You should now be able to add a new Alteryx Gallery using the standard process.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you for the very detailed tutorial, @estherb47 ! Very helpful.


I can`t test it since it was a client from my previous company but if it solved your issue, I will mark it as a solution!


I`m interested in knowing more about how you created these GIFs! It makes way easier to understand the steps.


Thank you!

Fernando Vizcaino



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@srapp , please see if the steps I detail above help you out. I just experienced this myself yesterday.


@fmvizcaino I use a screen capture tool (this was made with SnagIt. I personally prefer Screenpresso, and both are fantastic). You can save a screen recording down to a gif, or to an mp4 with audio, etc. I find it very useful, because you're making it easier for the users to follow the steps if you give them visual cues too.


Cheers! Esther