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Alteryx server service stopping with mongo error

8 - Asteroid

Hi server experts,


We have a server and the service is failing to start up with the follow Mongo error. We tried to repair the DB and this did not help either. Have anyone seen this error?


Mongo error: "Authentication failed.: generic server error" code: <mongodb:11>


Many thanks in advance



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Jie_DvW ,


Have you performed a server upgrade recently? Where are you seeing this error? Gallery/Service logs or when you try to connect to mongoDB?



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

Hi Fernando,


We have not done any upgrade recently and the error in the LastStartError.txt file in the service directory.





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jie_DvW ,


This happened to me during an upgrade because of a corrupted Runtimesettings file.

Have you changed anything in the Alteryx system settings recently?


Even though an upgrade did not generate the issue, it is worth trying the same steps. 

  1. Save a copy of the runtimesettings file, just in case
    1. This file can be found here: C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml
  2. Create a backup of your MongoDB folder, just in case
  3. Take print screens of all pages in your Alteryx system settings
  4. Delete the runtimesettings file from the C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\. This will erase the entire configuration of your Alteryx System Settings panel
  5. Redo the configuration from scratch. Be careful with the MongoDB folder, you need to point to the same folder.



Fernando Vizcaino








8 - Asteroid

Hi Fernando,


Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried the above and still getting the same error. One thing I was just told was that the issue started after we applied a new license key for the server. Not sure whether this rings a bell.





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jie_DvW ,


It doesn`t. Could you please share the last Service logs? Let me see if I can find anything there.

File Name: AlteryxServiceLog.log

Default Location: C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

Hi Fernando,


The server log is quite old and the only recent one I can see is the last start up error which contains the mongo DB error. But I have attached it. We are thinking to reinstall it altogether.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jie_DvW ,


Yeah, this one is very old. Since you recreated the Alteryx System Settings, the logs may be going to another drive. By default, it will go to C if you haven`t changed anything.


Reinstalling is not needed. If you want to start with a clean mongoDB, you can delete the MongoDB folder and the Runtimesettings file and go through the Alteryx System Settings all over. This will recreate the MongoDB folder from scratch with no assets inside.


If the content of your server matters, I would open a support ticket with Alteryx and they will connect with you to troubleshoot the error and probably solve it. The ticket can be opened by accessing



FErnando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

Hi Fernando,


I tried an upgrade and the service failed to start with the same error but the log file seems to be populating with details this time. Please have a look the attached.





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jie_DvW ,


If the server wasn`t working before, an upgrade won`t solve your issues. I`m seeing the same authentication issue you mentioned before.


Renewing the license isn`t something that would cause the MongoDB password to get corrupted, so I`d suggest reaching out to Alteryx support and see if they can fix it.



Fernando Vizcaino