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Alteryx gallery File not found error

8 - Asteroid

Dear Colleagues,

I have an issue with scheduled workflow on Alteryx gallery. I checked similar topics but I couldn't find solution for my case. 


I created a workflow few months ago and it was running with success on Alteryx gallery. Recently the format of the input file has changed (from xlsm into xlsx) and I updated the workflow and saved it in gallery ( I simply removed the input tool and added new one with changed file format) . The location of the file stayed the same. I also updated other workflows with this new input and they work with no issue. 


Additionally this workflow works on alteryx gallery when I run it manually, there is only a problem when I schedule it. 


Any ideas how to fix it? 


Thanks in advance,




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This type of error would normally point towards permissions and the account that the workflow is running as when scheduled. But I'm assuming that none of that has changed. Is the filepath UNC? Relative filepaths may cause an error like this as the scheduled job will set up a folder in the Workspace directory. So that's the first thing that I would check, trying it with a UNC path.

8 - Asteroid


Could you please give me more instructions on how I can check if the filepath is UNC? 






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

A UNC filepath will generally start with \\ such as "\\CAL-02-SRV\G\USERS\Documents". It is a fully qualified path, rather than one that may change depending on machine or user.


You can change to UNC via Options > Advanced... > Workflow Dependencies > All UNC (button)

8 - Asteroid


Yes, I have a UNC filepath, and I also solved the issue in a different way 🙂 


I copied the workflow , saved under a new name on alteryx Gallery and now it works properly. 


Sometimes the easiest solutions are the best 🙂  




8 - Asteroid

I just had the same problem even though I was using UNC to input from a shared network folder. With version Alteryx version 2019.4.8, (compatibility with my company's Gallery version), do not checkbox for any of the inputs under "Manage workflow assets" when saving the workflow to the Gallery which preserves the UNC path. Checking caused inputs to defaults to "_externals" leading other errors when saving.

Under "Set Workflow Credentials" select "Always run this workflow with these credentials".  Enter information and hit Enter key. Do not hit "Done" button. There is a bug with the older version of Alteryx that I am using. After using Enter key, a "validating" message will briefly appear and main menu re-appears. Proceed with Save


Once I followed these steps, the workflow saved to gallery with no further "File not found error".  Read files from shared network folder and ran successfully with no errors.