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Alteryx Server Usage Report App Execution Time

5 - Atom

We are reviewing the App Execution List Report and noticed a negative number in the Execution Time.


ScheduledStartedCompletedExecution Time (seconds)
2020-03-11 01:31:422020-03-11 01:31:422020-03-11 04:15:39-2,147,364.27


Has anyone seen this? Any idea what could cause this?  


Appreciate any response.



Jas Portem

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Jas,

Can we get a little more info on this problem?

We can try to reproduce it here, but we would need to know what version of the usage report you are using, what version of Server you are on, and any info you can share about the database records for this particular job.

5 - Atom

Hi John,


Here are some info:


Alteryx Server Usage Report 2019.3

Client: 2019.3.15763

Server: 2019.3.2.15763

Server Binaries: 2019.3.2.15763

Service Layer

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@jportem Thank you for the version information. That helps a lot in and of itself. The database records I need would be specific to the particular job that is reporting this time discrepancy. I would need the records from the AlteryxService database specifically from the AS_Applications, AS_Queue, and AS_Results collections. You should be able to pull these in designer using the MongoDB input tools (please select the include '_id' option), filter the data down to just the job in question, and provide the data as a yxdb. If you have concerns about sharing this data in a public forum let me know and I can work with you to arrange another method of delivery. 


If you need a reference for the MongoDB schema you can refer to the new documentation published for 2019.4. This should be similar enough to your version to point you in the right direction. You can find this documentation in our online help at

Edit: Also can you confirm if you configured the Server Usage Report for PDF or Tableau output?

5 - Atom

Hi @KevinP ,


Sorry for the delay.  I was able to pull the records you requested.  See attached and let me know if you have any issues with them. 


I configured the report to output the PDF.


Thank you for all your help.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I have seen this behavior before a few years ago and I think it had to do with time zones, is the usage report a particularly old one or a custom one? Also is the usage report run on a schedule?

5 - Atom

Hi@KeithJ ,


The usage report was the one tied to our Alteryx Server version and not a custom one.

I would run it on demand within the Server using Designer and not even from the gallery.


All other executions on that day were ok.  This was the only one that reported a negative number.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

A few more questions. Do you have a multi server node deployment? I know this is near the time change and could have something to do with that. We would need a full database backup to sift through this but if this is just a single record and the only time it has ever happened it maybe a lot of digging for something that is very rare bug. If it is happening more regularly then I think some more investigation is warranted. Also I would look through the event logs on the server around that time my guess is there was something with the time on the machine that changed during this workflow queue or execution. Or maybe a server reboot or a Alteryx service restart.