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Alteryx Server Active Directory Synchronization configuration

6 - Meteoroid


How can I check/configure the Active Directory Synchronization time in Alteryx Server?
Appreciate it if you could provide feedback on this.
Thank you.
19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @mdhaziiiq 


What exactly do you mean by "Active Directory Synchronization time"?  I may be wrong about this, but I believe that Alteryx server queries the AD domain controller on an as-needed basis, i.e. when a user logs in or when you are adding users or groups.





6 - Meteoroid

Hi @danilang , thank you for your reply. What I meant was how to check if the Alteryx Server installed using the Active Directory authentication is updated. Let say, there are some changes that were made in the AD, but it still not reflected from Alteryx Server. For example the changes of user 'First Name' or 'Last Name' in AD. Is there any AD sync time that can be configured from the server where the Alteryx server is installed? Thank you.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @mdhaziiiq 


The AD replication time should match that associated with your domain.  The replication time should be somewhere for 5 minutes to several hours depending on how large your domain is.  This will apply to adding new users and groups.  For changes to first name/last name etc.stored internally in the Mongo DB hosted on the server for any users that have already been added in the gallery, I'm not sure how this copy is synchronized with changes in AD.


Perhaps you could ask 




There's a tag that can be added to the Gallery section of the C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml file to control the AD synchronization interval.  This is for finding which groups a user is a member of.




The default value is 60 (minutes).


If you edit the RuntimeSettings.xml file, take a backup, and be very careful.  The Gallery AlteryxService will need to be restarted to take effect.