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Time Series Data - COVID-19

8 - Asteroid

Hello All:


I have three separate CSV files containing data about COVID-19 infections. 1. Confirmed cases 2. Deaths and 3. Recovered cases.  Each one contains country information, long and lat and a series of dates, each with a count for that day.   I have to be able to combine them with totals across the time series data.  This data is from JHU and it is clean, but it is not summed and combined.  I have been trying to create a flow, but it is not creating the correct results. I have included the data here.  


I tried creating a separate column for the totals, but that did not work.  I also have the advanced join tool macro, but I need to summarize the data before I can join the files.


I hope this makes sense.  The updates will be on-going so I will need to add new daily information as it becomes available.  


Thank you so much,



12 - Quasar

I needed to do this for my own purposes, so I had built a workflow a while back. Rather than download/input the files manually from the Johns Hopkins GitHub, I utilized the download tool to get the raw file from the git and parse the files from there. A bit more legwork upfront, but now requires no effort to update.


Attached workflow, only for confirmed cases and deaths.

8 - Asteroid

This is great! Thank you so much for sharing this!

8 - Asteroid

If you wanted to add the recovered cases data, you would just a separate flow for that data set, correct?

12 - Quasar

Yes the process should be similar, you'd just have to point to the raw recovered file URL.

8 - Asteroid

How would you join all three data sets?  Sorry for all the questions.  This really an amazing flow you created. 

12 - Quasar

Adding one more additional join after joining the confirmed and deaths files, you could bring in the recovered data. Optionally you could use a join multiple tool on all three, but it's usually simpler to join them in stages to diagnose any potential issues between the datasets.

8 - Asteroid

This is such a huge help.  How did you add the URL as the data source?  It looks like you created some kind of field to add the URL for the Github source. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi Jay, thank you for correcting this and for showing me how to do it.  Instead of a single column with the infection classifications, how could i have the infection classifications in separate columns?  I included a mock-up if that is helpful at all.  Many thanks, again. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi Jay, I went through your flow and ran it with the data, but I am not getting the totals as I originally asked.  I need a total of each case type summed by data for each country.  The output generated by your flow appears to generated differences, not totals.  Am I missing something?

8 - Asteroid

Hi Ian, if I wanted to add a separate column for each of the infection classifications, how would i do that?  I added a mock up.  Thank you again for helping with this. 
