Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Sending queries to the server

8 - Asteroid

I am looking for guidance on sending queries to my local Alteryx server rather than running on my laptop.

How do i do this?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @napplewh 


Could you help me understand the question a bit? Do you mean "send queries to a database" or "run Alteryx workflows/apps on Alteryx Server rather than your laptop"? If it's "send queries to a database", the Input, Dynamic Input, and In-Database tools (among others) are all capable of interacting with a database to send/receive data.


If it's "run Alteryx workflows/apps on Alteryx Server" then that server will have a Gallery associated with it where you can save the workflow (File > Save As.. > then select your Gallery from the list) Once the workflow is saved to the Gallery, you, and anyone else granted permission can run that workflow and it will be processed by the workers assigned to that Gallery. Server licenses also grant the ability to use Command Line to kick off the workflow, so this opens up a lot of possibilities as well.


Was one of these what you had in mind?
