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Run Command tools not running in parallel

5 - Atom

My workflow executes 12 Run Command tools. Each command is a simple call to powershell to retrieve the list of users in an Active Directory group.


An example of the command run by the tool: "powershell get-adgroupmember -identity myADgroupname > C:\raw_ADGroup.txt"


Everything has been functioning fine with the workflow but it takes a long time to execute. When I watch the execution I see only one Run Command active at a time. Is there something I can do to enable multiple Run Commands to execute in parallel?





16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @slypig 


If you had all your run command tools running simultaneously, wouldn't the .txt file get overwritten? Rather than having 12 Run Command tools, have you though of having 1 Run Command Tool and 12 lines / cmdlets. You'd have to update your expression to use ">>" rather than ">" and read then read in the full list. Not sure if this would work, but worth a try and would tidy up the workflow somewhat.

5 - Atom

Hi Philip,

Thanks for reaching out, it's much appreciated.


I'm using a separate .txt file for each Run Command so there's no risk of one Run Command overwriting another's file. 


Were you thinking that all commands could be run in parallel from a single Run Command? I.E. the command that is run would be a script that spawns separate processes for each current Run Command?



