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Record limit is ignored when using Dynamic Input tool

7 - Meteor

I am using a Dynamic Input tool to read in a specific file(s) in a file folder, and I would like to impose a record limit while I test out my workflow.


I have tried imposing this by using the open canvas's Workflow Configuration > Runtime > "Record Limit for All Inputs" field. However, the Dynamic Input tool ignores this, and the Dynamic Input tool itself does not have a Record Limit option.


Have I neglected something, or is this a missing Alteryx feature (or arguably, a bug) that I should submit a request for?


Issue demonstrated below.









8 - Asteroid

I agree it doesn't respect the workflow configuration. I've found that some of those can be very miss-leading. For example disable all outputs doesn't actually disable all outputs. I suspect that this workflow configuration only applies to the Input tool and not other inputs.

Anyway if you go to your dynamic input tool and click edit in the "Input Data Source Template" section. The first option you still will be a record limit and it will respect the limit in there.



7 - Meteor

I forgot about the Record Limit option in the Input Source Template. Thanks!
