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R Tool Data Frame Column Add Error

8 - Asteroid



I am reading data into an R tool as a data frame. Then I am generating a GUID using R's GUID function. I am then adding a column to the data frame = to the value of the GUID generated. These steps take place inside an iterative macro. For many iterations the steps complete with out any issue but for some of them I get the below error. Does anyone know what the issue may be? Code also pictured below.


Thank you!





15 - Aurora

I was unable to recreate the error, in the sense that it correctly appended a GUID for me. Calling the R tool in an iterative macro... I know there's some overhead in running the Rterm.exe command behind the scenes, so this is just a guess - perhaps that's coming into play.  A potential work-around using only Alteryx tools is to just use a Formula tool to generate a GUID, via UuidCreate(), and then Append Fields tools to add it to each of your datasets, as in:

2017-02-06 17_03_43-Alteryx Designer x64 - New Workflow1_.png

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for your responses everyone!. It turns out that on some iterations data wasn’t passing through the stream,therefore there was no data for R to read into the data frame.
