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Partial Records are moving to sharepoint list

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,


I'm trying to move the data from database table to SharePoint list. But Alteryx is not moving the entire records.


So for now my DB table has roughly 900 records, but it's only moving 420 records and it's throwing attached error.


We've created a iterative macro but somehow it's not working.(Screenshot of the workflows attached)


I've tried using the different batch sizes like 200,185,150,100,50,25. But none of them copied the entire records to the sharepoint. Here's the list of batches and iterations I tried


batch                        size records


100                       2 iteration run (128 items added to sp list)
25                         5 iteration run (53 items added to the list)
50                         3 iterations run (128 items moved)
150                       1 iterations run (278 items moved)
185                       1 iterations run (243 items moved)
200                       1 iterations run (228 items moved)


Not able to move entire records . Please advise.


We've other DBs which contains many records, kinda looking for a permanent solution.


Please advise




19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @swapsingh2712 


This seems to be an error with the data that you are trying to write to SharePoint as opposed to how you are trying to write it.  Read through this entire post carefully.  Pay attention the replies that mention writing to people or groups fields where the person doesn't exist.  The last post also mentions fields that might be longer than 255 characters.  


To try and debug this, make sure your Workflow configuration options are to Cancel Running Workflow on Error.  If possible delete everything from the list.  If this isn't possible make an identical copy of the list with no records and change your workflow to write to the copy.   I'm not sure if this functionality still exist, but in older versions of SharePoint, you used to be able to save a list as a template and use the template to create a new, empty list.   After you get your error, look at the last item in the SharepPoint list.  This should be the one that caused your error.  Look at the data that corresponds to the last record and make sure that all field lengths are correct and any option fields fields like People or Group have valid values for the target field.   


