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IF data is not null in a column then replace data with the Header(FillWithHeader)

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to dynamically do the fallowing:


IF header(Column's name) is this([a-zA-Z]{3}\s\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{4}) Then Add it to it's relevant rows(Look at the pic pls.)

it's actually date of the values that i want to work on it 




Header example: Aug 2015Soll



tried 2 approaches  this but don't know  what to do next


How can i achieve this?


Best Regards

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @MostafaBouzari 


I think I'm following the request here. The approach I took was:

1. Assign a RecordID field to keep things organized in subsequent steps. 

2. Transpose the data to Name:Value pairs.

3. Use a Formula tool to replace the field value with the header/[Name] when two conditions are met:

   - The field name matches the RegEx pattern ([a-zA-Z]{3}\s\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{4})

   - The value is otherwise empty.

4. A CrossTab transforms the data back to the original layout.


Check out the attached example to see this in action and let me know if this works for you. 
