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How to reply to existing email thread using Alteryx Email Tool?

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,

I have a question on the email tool functionality that I would appreciate some help on!

If outlook emails are being saved in a folder or SharePoint list, is there a capability for Alteryx to find the required email in the folder/SharePoint and send an email as "Reply To" operation; essentially continuing the email thread?


This thread has been helpful in understanding an HTTP request implementation of a similar exercise (where draft email is being created with attachments), which I am linking here in case it provides additional context:


I would be very grateful if anyone here is able to point me in the right direction with regards to the above ask on how to approach this task.


Thank you!


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

You may want to ask the question as a reply to that chain so the tool's creator sees it.

6 - Meteoroid



Thank you for your reply

Sure, I can ask the question on the thread! Posted it as a new question here because I wanted to know if there are other possible implementations as well


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

With Alteryx, there's always a dozen ways to do the same thing 🙂


I just think you'll get a faster and more direct answer on that thread, since its so active.
