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Formula Tool: Conditional formula

7 - Meteor

I don't understand why this isn't working. I literally used this same formula earlier in this flow. But everytime I type in ENDIF it makes the end go grey and throws out an error. Please help.


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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I've seen the formula tool do this before when the expression reaches a certain complexity.


I'd suggest simplifying the expression:

IF [Difference Start to Transaction] = '0'
THEN "A - Original Purchase"

[Difference Start to Transaction] IN ('1','2','3')
THEN "B - 1st Q"

[Difference Start to Transaction] IN ('4','5','6')
THEN "C - 2nd Q"

[Difference Start to Transaction] IN ('7','8','9')
THEN "D -3rd Q"

[Difference Start to Transaction] IN ('10','11','12')
THEN "E -4th Q"



as that might help the UI.


If you can post the workflow with the issue happy to look

7 - Meteor

I tried that but I am getting the same error. I can't share the flow because it is a bunch of transaction data.  But here is a screen shot of it.


Any other ideas?

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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Odd - does the expression actually work even if the UI is failing to render?


Which version of Designer are you using?

7 - Meteor

No. It isn't working. 


Version Alteryx Designer 2020.3 x64


I am up against a deadline and this is brutal. I think I am going to manually create a lookup table in excel and then join back in. What can I do to get this fixed? It doesn't look like Alteryx allows me to submit a ticket for a bug.


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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Yes quickest work around is a lookup table in a Text Input

Then use a Find and Replace to append a column

Finally a formula tool to fill in the NULLs with None


Alternative formula which might work is a switch statement.

SWITCH([Difference Start to Transaction],'None',
 '0',"A - Original Purchase",
 '1', "B - 1st Q",
 '2', "B - 1st Q",
 '3', "B - 1st Q",
 '4', "C - 2nd Q",
 '5', "C - 2nd Q",
 '6', "C - 2nd Q",
 '7', "D -3rd Q",
 '8', "D -3rd Q",
 '9', "D -3rd Q",
'10', "E -4th Q",
'11', "E -4th Q",
'12', "E -4th Q"
13 - Pulsar

Hi @jmorris24 


Get rid of the quotes surrounding your numbers in either your original formula or the new one that @jdunkerley79  provided. The error is being caused by using a logic formula to match a number asked as a text. 




If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!




7 - Meteor

That was it. Thanks!


So if you don't use any quotes for a number and you use " double quotes for text. Do you ever use ' single quotes in alteryx?

13 - Pulsar

@jmorris24 Either single or double quotes are acceptable to use for text. Its really up to user preference there. If your numbers were being stored as a string, you would then want to use quotes in your formula like you initially had.  

7 - Meteor

that's helpful. thanks again!

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