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Find and Replace (ALL) in a workflow?

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I built a fairly large workflow with over 300 tools, its been working fairly well for the past 1-2 years with minor update on business processes. Now there is a major update on the data connected to this workflow and some of the key words changed. Is there an easy way for me to do a find and replace all on certain key words within the entire workflow?


I'm thinking opening the workflow up as xml or text and do a find a replace in notepad? I never looked at the workflow in xml or text before any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @BosKev 


I generally use Notepad++ to do this.

Just open the .yxmd file of the workflow as an xml file and to the modifications.


You can use Ctrl+H as a shortcut to do this.



8 - Asteroid

Thank you.
