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Analytic App where users can map columns

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Good morning!!


I am developing an analytic app to be deployed to our gallery where users can input a file and information in that file can be used to query for additional information. The files come from outside sources that should use a standard template, but they don't always. I am developing the app to account for that. Users can select if it follows the template or not. If it follows the template the file will follow one path and if it doesn't, users will be given drop downs showing their columns where they are to map the column headings from their file to the data elements. I am trying to determine the best way to take the information from the drop down and update the column name to the appropriate name in the workflow dynamically. An obvious way that I have done before is just feed the information into a text input tool, but I was wondering if there might be a way to update the select tool and use the rename function in that tool? Is there another, better way that I'm not thinking of? App with dynamic field names.png

13 - Pulsar

Hi @SGolnik 


What you are looking for is a logic with the Dynamic Select and Select tools. 


You need to use the dynamic select to update the selected column and the rename to rename it to the name of the column being used in the workflow. It should look something like this.


So here you will have a single drop down tool with two action tools updating a dynamic select and a select.





11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Thank you so much Pedro! I knew there had to be something obvious I was overlooking.

7 - Meteor

@pedrodrfaria @SGolnik I have a similar situation whereas I need to rename multiple columns. I am little confused as in how it works for the multiple columns. I am new to apps. If you can provide a sample workflow which works for multiple columns to rename. It would be helpfull.
