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writing a code function


so I am new to Alteryx, and I think what I am trying to do should be easy.


I have two column (column A) and (column B) column A: has a number. column B: has the correspondent date for the numbers in (column A). 

I am trying to output a new (column c) for the values in Column A that has two different correspondent dates from column B. ( same number with different correspondent dates ). I hope this one is clear. 


your help would be much appreciated. 

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@Faisalomran1 - Attached is a sample solution that should give you an idea around implementing this in Alteryx.


Hope this helps.


thank for your help, but what I wanted to do is to only include the one appearing with different dates ( the database this way included both; the one appearing with the same date more than once, and the one appearing with different dates)


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Can you post some sample data for us to get a sense of what you have, and what you are looking for?



 the database contains more columns and raws but I only want to separate it into two ( the API number with more than one (job start date)) and the (API number with one job start date) ) each of the separated data base will contain all the columns and raws included in the original database. 

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@Faisalomran1 - in other words given the data in your latest post, you need a logical way of identifying API Numbers that have more than 1 JobStartDate, and those that dont? Essentially a new column to signify Repeated or Not Repeated?


If yes, the approach I posted should serve your purpose. If not, can you type out the desired output you are looking for?


im not looking for the repeated, what im looking for is the ( API number ) that has two different ( jobstart date).


thank you so much for your help

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Perhaps this solution should be applicable in your case. You GroupBy API Number and do a count distinct on Job Start Date and join it back to your original dataset to identify API Numbers that have multiple Job Start Dates.




thank you so much for your help
