Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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what is Alteryx Group By "only" Summarize Tool doing?

6 - Meteoroid

lets say I have:


Field           Action            Output Field Name

Col1           Group By        Col1



so, I understood that it is doing a group by via "Col1" and taking a single unique value.


What about the other columns value? which value will Alteryx choose, for example: Col2, Col3, etcs

20 - Arcturus

@pyalx If you select only Group by Col1 then alteryx will take only col1 it wont consider the rest of the values, If you want col2 , Col3 then you must select and action for each columns, eg: Select Col1 then add group by, select Col2 then select First , in this case you will have two fields, Col1 and Col2 (only returns the first values)
