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teknion sftp rsa tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi All

Does anyone have experience with the Teknion sFTP RSA tool?

I am struggling to get it to work as i cannot find any documentation or examples as to how to configure it.


any help much appreciated




ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

@mattagee is this something you could help our friend with? 

Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
10 - Fireball

More complete documentation on our website is forthcoming, but based on your screen shot. First, remove the ftp:// from the server name. It needs to be just server, no protocol reference. Second, since you have the tool in "Block/None" mode, you don't actually need anything feeding into the tool, it is optional. In "Block/None" mode and nothing feeding it, it behaves like an input tool. In "Block/None" mode with something feeding into it, it will wait until the previous tool has told it the last row has been sent prior to execution.

10 - Fireball
8 - Asteroid

Hey there - is there a restriction on downloading the toolkit on a virtual machine? I can download the toolkit on my personal desktop, but would prefer to have it installed on an AWS machine

8 - Asteroid

To clarify - when I try to install on the virtual machine, the toolkit installer says that my key is invalid.

10 - Fireball

There is no restriction which would prevent installation on a VM. The installation validates the license key via the internet however, so things like proxies can interfere. I recommend contacting for additional assistance.

8 - Asteroid

Appreciate the quick response. I tried emailing toolkitsupport, but my emails are getting bounced back. Has that email address changed?

10 - Fireball

Appreciate the heads up on that, I've notified the team to look into the email issue and sent you a PM.

5 - Atom
I'm having the same problem, did anyone manage to solve the base64 input problem?