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separate baseline vs performance without creating empty cells

8 - Asteroid

I am struggling with a couple of things in my alteryx workflow.  i have baseline vs. performance, but the way the data is sent to me, I am trying to separate baseline and performance without leaving a lot of  empty rows in the new field.  I used the multi-row function on the data, but when I put it in Tableau it isn't flowing correctly.  I think my issue is at the very beginning of my workflow when I filter the baseline time period "0" from the Performance time frames (all other periods).  When I union them back together after summarizing and calculataing, the "0" rows are left blank in my new performance columns and (all other periods) are left blank for my baseline calculations.  I am not sure where my mental block is but I cannot figure this out.   What is happening in Tableau is when I try to create a graph with a baseline reference line and a performance by time period line graph, it pulls in the baseline dates.  (That may be a Tableau issue, but if my data was in a better format, I think I would be able to get this done more efficiently).  This is also causing issues when I try to suppress data.  Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  Maybe I jjust need a fresh set of eyes.  


Thank you!




12 - Quasar

Hi @aberthiaume 


I downloaded your workflow and sample test file, but when I ran the workflow the field NQIIC_ID is missing; Are you missing it in the sample?





8 - Asteroid

I updated the sample file and the workflow in the original post and below.    They should work better now.  Thanks for letting me know.  
