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"REST API In 5 Minutes-No Coding" - Original CSV Layout (Beginner Help)

5 - Atom

Apologies in advance for what I am assuming is a very easy question. I just started using Alteryx and have spent the past few hours looking for the answer with no luck. If this has been done in another topic please just point me in the right direction and I will be on my way.



So I followed the steps in the blog post called "Rest API In 5 Minutes-No Coding" by Tasha without any issues. I was just curious about this part "you can add a Text to Columns tool after this to parse the data into a more readable format."


I used the Select tool to select only the DownloadData and from there I was hoping there would be an easy few steps to just a csv view exactly like it is formatted in the original web file ( But I have not had any luck using the Text to Columns to do this.


Any tips and help you could provide a beginner would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help. I am happy to share the file I am using if you would like, but I really just copied the steps taken in the original blog post.



Hi @RSinnott


I haven't got this exact use case file but I have an example for the text to columns question you are referring to. 


You will see in @TashaA article, the rows of data within the downloaddata field have a return carriage at the end which means a new line. 


Therefore, in the first text to columns you need to split the download data field into rows based on a new line delimiter '\n', so each row has its own cell. 




Then in the next text to columns tool you can choose to split the data based on the comma within the cell. Split the field into columns. 




This will then get the data into more of a tabular format. I then believe you will need to use the dynamic rename to get your field headers from the data row to the field header (Shown in my attached example).





Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant


5 - Atom

This is perfect thank you Jordan!


I don't know why those Text to Columns were giving me so many issues. I uploaded the workbook for the specific Rest API example in case anyone else anyone else was having the same issues as me. But this was all just minor tweaks from your Workflow file.


Thanks again!

