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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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"Error SQLDriverConnect:" in ODBC Connection to Fabric

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I'm trying to input data from Fabric. We've set up an ODBC connection which seems to be working, and allows us to see and select the tables in our Fabric environment. 


However when we run the workflow to actually pull this data, we get this error message --

  "Error: Input Data (1): Error SQLDriverConnect:"


There's no further details on that error - not clear what the specific issue is. Has anyone successfully input data from Fabric? Or seen that SQLDriverConnect error with no further detail? 


Things we've tried...

- installed Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server

- created ODBC connection on both User and System

8 - Asteroid

Are you getting the error in Desktop or on Server/Gallery?

8 - Asteroid

with my experience.. try and check your access to the server - your access to the DB.. hope this helps!
