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percentage and decimal place inconsistencies

8 - Asteroid

Hi there can someone help me with this issue.. 

I have an excel sheet filled with yield (percentages) and when I pull the data into alteryx the decimal place changes. Even more interesting is that the decimal place change is inconsistent across all the data 

I have tried to calculate the yields manually and there is still an inconsistency( although a different inconsistency). 

To make sure I have covered my back I have calculated the YIELD manually in excel and that works perfectly. 

Can anyone advise on what might be causing this problem? 


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Do you care to share some sample data/flow or a snapshot?

8 - Asteroid

hi there please see attached the excel breakdown of the calculation showing the net rent/ gross value = Yield. I have shown the yield as it appears in the calculation then the last box show it converted to the %.


In the Alteryx page you will see the response from pulling the number directly from an excel calculation example "SO NIY or AR NIY" and you will see the where i calculated the number in Alteryx (SO NIY ALTERYX or  AR NIY ALTERYX ). you can see the answers appear in inconsistent formats. 






12 - Quasar

@moshood what is the expression you are using to do this calculation?

8 - Asteroid


please see attached .


i have noticed that some figures are not pulling through at all

14 - Magnetar

It looks like you are dividing by 0. This will output as "null" in Alteryx, and you will get a warning. You can fix this by adding an IF statement to all of your formulae, or you can Data cleanse to replace all "null" with "0". Not sure if you are having any more problems since it looks like all non-zero values are being properly captured.

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