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latest version of Alteryx will not install Geopy package (Nominatim and Geocoders)

6 - Meteoroid



I've just received notification to upgrade to the latest version of Alteryx.  By doing so, my python script (which ran in the last version) is now broken.  The latest version will not install Geopy package (including geocoders and nominatim).  Would someone be able to advise how to fix this please?

7 - Meteor

You can try to activate in the command pompt the vritual environment from the file activate.bat in the installation folder C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\JupyterTool_vEnv\Scripts. Once in the virtual environment, you can use the pip to install all relevent modules you need. The update of Alteryx deletes all python modules you installed.

6 - Meteoroid

Can I still use the pip command when jupyter notebook (Anaconda/Conda prompt) is embedded in Alteryx?  it didn't work for me in the last version...I still had to find a way of using the conda prompt


6 - Meteoroid

It would be good (going forward) if Alteryx can find a way to not delete python modules when a new version of alteryx is can be really painful importing new python modules (and soon to be released libraries and modules) into Alteryx


7 - Meteor

I always used the MS command prompt like the one below. You can try conda one which I think is the same. The virtual environment is for the Jupyter Notebook.


7 - Meteor

Please remeber create a requirements.txt file for all installed modules in python before updating Alteryx. After the update, just use pip - r requirements.text to reinstall all modules.
