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how to filter different drop downs

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


I'm trying to create a workflow where user can select the manager name in the drop down menu and based on the selection it shows the all the analyst name that reports only to him in the next drop down. but it's not working.


basically this workflow will select the manager, analyst and then update the asset count.

once you select the manager name in the first dropdown, it should only show the analyst name that reports to him. after that it will update the asset count based on the selection.


I've attached my data set and alteryx workflow. please advise


Note:  The data set contains more then thousand values. I just provided few data vales in excel






22 - Nova
22 - Nova
22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @swapsingh2712 


Here is how you can do it. Packaged workflow attached. 

Please use this guide to downgrade the packaged workflow


Hope this helps : )
