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Zero to Advanced in 20 days

10 - Fireball

I started using Alteryx on November 25th, and yesterday, I passed my advanced certification in just 20 days. Here's how I approached it: I started with the first three chapters of the "Getting Started Learning Path," where I familiarized myself with the basics of Designer. Next, I completed all foundation-level weekly challenges and I believe this is the best thing I could have done, it got me to grips with Alteryx Designer in a way the interactive lessons couldn't. I find it incredibly useful to look through at least one other user's answers making sure you can fully understand their workflow while filling any knowledge gaps as they appear.


After completing foundation I moved on to core where I completed the getting started learning path. From there I completed 38 core weekly challenges. This was certainly overkill and it isn't necessary if your only goal is Core Certification, however, with an eye to Advanced, I believe it was important to build a sufficient base in the core functionality in Alteryx Designer. 


When I started Advanced, the learning path was not working. I now see this as a great blessing. It allowed me to complete weekly challenges, learning about new tools and concepts as they came up. It is important not to allow gaps in your knowledge which is where the "Subject" drop-down menu on the weekly challenge page comes in very handy. Getting to grips with apps and macros is far more engaging and enjoyable through challenges and it's more likely you'll remember what you've learned. Some more Advanced tips:

  • Use RegEx over text to column whenever it is an option. RegEx has a very steep learning curve and you'll only learn by doing.  is an excellent resource. Using AI and Stack Overflow was also very helpful when getting to grips with the basics. 
  • Build lots of Macros! 
  • Build lots of Apps! And then put Macros inside them!
  • Analyse ACE solutions if you get stuck and don't be afraid to ask questions on the community
  • Read through the Exam Prep Guide
  • Do lots of challenges. You'll be ready when you can complete challenges from the main subjects without assistance in about 30 minutes. For me this was 17 intermediate and 8 difficult challenges, however this should only be used as a rough guide.


Assuming you get all practical questions correct, you will need about 68% in the other questions to pass.


These are just my initial thoughts on passing the Advanced Certification and if anyone has any thoughts, tips, or disagreements please feel free to share them! Oh and good luck to you all!


George Salmon



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Nice one, Jorge!

Another Bulien legend in the making...or another one babbling to himself in a cell somewhere.

Both fine.


18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Great advice! I love pointing people to those weekly challenges, and I am glad they proved useful.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Incredible progress George, 
Are we going to see Expert exam next week?

12 - Quasar

Awesome work, young padawan. 😁

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Well done @martinson! An even bigger accomplishment when you consider you were able to pull this off while dealing with@mceleavey the whole time as well!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



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