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how to create dropdown menu on rows level

7 - Meteor

Dear community,


May I kindly ask you to help me with the dropdown menu that I need to have in one of my projects? 


The main purpose is : 

Name           Access keep/remove 

AA                Keep

BB                Remove

CC                Keep 


The dropdown menu should contain one column with these two options on row level as is possible in excel. 


Something like this: 



and if the coloring would be possible to set up to recognize them, it would be great. 



Could you please advise if this is possible? 


Thank you all,





11 - Bolide

Can you not create a formula of the criteria to Keep/Remove?

If I understand your want, having this dropdown on each row within the results window, I don't believe this is possible.

7 - Meteor

this needs to be send to approvers and they would choose if the access should kept or removed.


But thank you for your answer. 





11 - Bolide

@Kate13122  I understand what you are wanting now.  You'll need to create an Excel template (but saved as .xlsx) with your Data Validation list and any formatting then output your data to said template with Overwrite Sheet or Range but be sure to check Preserve Formatting on Overwrite.


Here's a link to the How-To:


Attached is a template and workflow example to try.



