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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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calculation average at a row level from data in three columns

8 - Asteroid

I am trying to calculate a averaged at a row level, based on data within three columns. Sometimes data in the row my be zero and I want to exclude that from the average calculation. What is the best way to do this? Attached a picture of the data set

12 - Quasar

You could Transpose your data, then use the Summarize tool with 'Average - Ignore Zero's' to get the average of the seasons, see attached....

8 - Asteroid

Here is another approach that will get you to the same place with this data set.  If you are going to be adding seasons later you would have to tweak the formula.  The previous reply is a better option to keep it dynamic for that.

8 - Asteroid

I like dynamic ability of this solution.  Thank you!
