What is the formula to convert 4 digit zip code with a leading zero?
Ex 1249
Need result to be: 01249
Or 55373-0456
Needs to be 55373
Solved! Go to Solution.
PadLeft([Zip Code],5,"0")
For the second one, Left([Zip Code],5) should do the trick
You could combine them in a way to eensure one Formula tool addresses all concerns. BAsed on the two here, you could do IF Length([Zip Code])<5 THEN PadLeft([Zip Code],5,"0") ELSEIF Contains([Zip Code],"-") THEN Left([Zip Code],5) ELSE [[Zip Code] ENDIF
However this won't work for values like 5373-0456 so it can be made more robust if needed.
Hi @CherylH
There's a couple useful functions that I would employ here:
Left( - this is a string function that takes the left characters from a string to the length you specify. Ex: Left('55373-0456',5) would give you 55373
Padleft( - a function that will add a character to the left side of a string to the length you specify. Ex: PadLeft('1249',5,'0') would give 01249
We can combine these functions so that one can take care of both scenarios. If your field is called [ZIP] you can use this:
This takes care of the situations above, but we can make this more robust. What about the value of 1249-5504 with a dropped leading 0, but the +4 characters on the end? The Contains( and FindString( functions would allow us to determine if a '-' character is present, and at what position. Using this and an additional Left( function. we could set up this IF statement:
IF Contains([ZIP],'-') THEN PadLeft(Left(Left([ZIP],FindString([ZIP],'-')),5),5,'0')
ELSE PadLeft(Left([ZIP],5),5,'0') ENDIF
So if a '-' is present, take the characters to the left of that position, then perform the other steps outlined above. I've put this in a workflow so you can see this all in action. Check it out and let us know if this helps.
Hi, @CherylH
Try using the Pad in the Formula Tool to get to what I presume is your needed (Zip5).
PadLeft(ToString([Zip]), 5, '0')
-if you needed Zip6 for example, you would update the '5' to '6' in the formula - Cheers!
Charles thank you for thinking for more zip code examples-good catch.
The formula worked for 1 feed but not the other so I can field name for lolzip to zip and then it worked.
Just trying to get this done quickly.
Thanks so much,