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XML Output Error

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I'm using the XML Output workflow to produce an XML file. I have a dataset that has over 20 millions records prior to exporting it to an XML file. It runs the workflow and produces a the file, but once I click on the file I get the attached error.



I attached the sample workflow as well, any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!

18 - Pollux

Are you using the xml macro from community? that really needs to be fixed. It does not replace xml escape characters.

7 - Meteor

@apathetichell  Yes I am, is there a workaround to the macro?

18 - Pollux

Maybe - tbh - it really depends upon the xml you are generating - and the ingestion system you are sending to. At it's easiest if you replace the excape characters prior to your xml generation (

CharEscape String


and make sure you don't double replace the & symbol it may work.
