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Writing to Excel...Issues after latest update? Round 2

6 - Meteoroid

 Output Data (44) Error opening connect string: Microsoft Access Database Engine: Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.3027 = -118490897

I read the previous post on this regarding issues with the latest 9.1 release as I am getting the same error and used the suggested formula tool in next paragraph as result of Alteryx Forum answers. Prior to upgrade of Alteryx 9.1 I utilized a batch macro that would cycle through each customer and output perfectly. With new version of Alteryx output fails. Oddly it is with the same error whether batchmacro or formula tool. Yes, there is a '' between directory & filename. Error is inexplicable as no changes occurred but upgrading Alteryx. Please see below for workaround I am attempting:

Using FileAddPaths([Directory],[ExcelFileName])  up to 3 customers will run through an output tool set to 'change entire file path'.

'C:FILENAMEINFORMATION'+[account name]+'_September_FY15'+'.xlsm|All_Sales_Data_Range'

Where [account name] == customer, '_September_FY15' == append, 'xlsm' == it is a macro enabled document, 'All_Sales_Data_Range' == named range in Excel 2010

The output tool is set to write to an Excel template that has been generated to match each customers output name. It works for a small data set but not my full customer list. When I remove a filter to go from 3 customers (test level) to 10 customers it errors out and gives the read only error. This is not even close to the 500 that I need to run. What is the best way to work around this? There should be no read only error as all 500 templates are made the same way. I would think either all 500 would be read only or zero would be read only.

Any thoughts on what I could be missing?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Hi Travis,

I see that your output goes to an Excel Macro document, .xlsm.  We do not support this output yet, but are exploring the possibility after the 9.5 release.

I recommend exporting to .xlsx, then importing into your .xlsm file.  I found a tutorial on the Microsoft Forum on how to do this:

6 - Meteoroid


Is it possible to import data from xlsm formats ? I am using version 10.0 but can't see this option?


Any help will be appreciated.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Check out this other shows how to get to the XLSM data...


