Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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5 - Atom

I am trying to create a workflow to determine the size of each worksheet in KB in a given workbook to determine which sheet is the most data-intensive. I need help with how to get the size of each sheet, and fyi the workbook is macro-enabled.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can try the Directory tool, it has a sizing element as well.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Hridni 


Since excel files are just zip files with a modified extension, you can open the file as a zip file and open the xml files for the sheets as csv.(see the marked solution here for a sample workflow)   The xml for the sheets look like this  


Since you're looking for the most data intensive sheets, it would be the one with the most cells.  Just count the number  "<c " lines for each sheet. 


Of course one of the issues you'll face is that you need to know the names of sheets in order to open the correct xml files.  There's a workflow here that uses python to find all the file names that you can filter to return all the files in the \xl\worksheets path within the file




