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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Workflow stuck at 76%, no errors, just running and not getting completed.

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, 

I have alteryx designer, version: 2018.4.5.55718. My laptop is fairly powerful, with i7 8th gen processor and 16GB RAM.

There are 2 input files. both are excel, one excel is 480MB, other one is around 100MB.

the 100MB file has been used to create a WF and used in a container to input in the other workflow.

the output is just and excel file where I am trying to create a availability report of multiple SKUs taking on hand qty, open POs, min/max into consideration. The logic is correct, and it was working fine in excel until we had alteryx.

Both the workflows are working separately correctly, but now, after using the container it is literally dead but no errors, only warnings. I am new to alteryx and not able to figure it out. Please see the file attached. Let me know, what data you need to replicate it. Thanks a lot.


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

I'm answering from my iPhone. I apologize that I can't see the flow, but can offer you something to check. Is there a join happening where it is stuck?  Sometimes the presence of a join that creates a many to many join will East up all of your memory and disk. If the join fields are missing a field this can happen. 




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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I don't see anything obvious just looking at the workflow. Can you provide a small sample of each of the files? Also, a screen shot of the warnings you're getting could be helpful.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the reply. Please see the snapshot. Yes, there are multiple joins in the workflow as well. But the join conditions are very generic and simple. The calculations are also just If else, sum and arithmetic expression. Also, no database connections are present, all the input files are kept in the local machine. So, it should run. 

8 - Asteroid

The place where it is stuck, is a union and not a join. Yes, there are many joins in the work flow. I am not 100% sure, if those join could be omitted against e simpler formula. I attached snapshot below. Is the join correct?

8 - Asteroid

Hello Mark, no, it is not eating up disk space and RAM, the disk usage is only 14% as per task manager. I am attaching some sample data as well. Here is the sample data attached with the comment.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hey @saikathalder 


Are you using the Container_ABCLogic? You didn't send a sample of that data but once I disconnected that it ran in 2.2 seconds on my machine so that tells me you shouldn't have any issues with your joins. I also noticed you are using a multiple join in that container. Change that to just a regular join since you have only two inputs. 


If this helped fix your workflow make sure to mark as solved 🙂


Hope this helps!


Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
14 - Magnetar

Hi @saikathalder 


You have 3 data cleansing tools in your workflow, but you have no fields selected to cleanse. That said, while this tool is nice to have, I've noticed that it does make a workflow run extremely inefficiently - even if no fields are selected - especially if you're working with large amounts of data (like a 480MB Excel file!).


I'd suggest you remove them and run your workflow to see if the execution improves. If it does then there's your issue. If you still need the operations selected in these tools, you can always use a Multi-Field formula tool and create an expression to perform these cleansing actions.


Hope this helps!

Teknion Data Solutions

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,

I reduced 1 of the unions which I felt is not required. so, it ran in 2 minutes, I am not fully sure, what went wrong earlier but seems, the issue of WF getting stuck is solved for now.

I have another issue with the logic of the WF, which I will post in a separate thread. Thanks.
